Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Women, injustice, and what you can do to help!

I met Will and Beth when I was in South Africa 3 summers ago, serving with a Cincinnati based church. Will and I were on the same "go" team together, and our laid back personalities clicked. Our entire team became a family while we were there, and it has been fun witnessing everyone's continual growth and pursuit of purpose.

I want to introduce you to Will's blog: Social-Compass, and let you read for yourself how he, his wife Beth, and their daughter sold everything and moved to South Africa to help the underprivileged. Yes, it is inspiring, and hopefully will encourage you to seek God's will...even if it sounds crazy at first. I must warn you that God's plans are never easy, and this blog shows you both sides of the coin.

Their mission stirs me to the core, makes me angry, fuels my passion to create change, and knocks me on my knees. Thank God for "change agents" like Will and Beth, who are willing to leave their comfort zones in order to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Okay, now here is the hard part. The injustice, rape, and poverty that exists in our world, and how people are able to turn a blind eye. It is not okay, and we can't continue to act like it doesn't matter to us! Whether in Africa or in our city, it does affect us, and just one person can make a change. Read Will's latest blog: somedays are hard, and get stirred.

Now I ask you: How can you implement fundamental changes in your own life so you can help people around the globe?

You don't have to move to Africa in order to be a part of the solution, but you can financially support change agents and be active in their prayer lives. You can also invest time in a child, widow, or disadvantaged person's life. Giving feels good!

You cannot change what already is, yet you can decide precisely what you will take from it and what you will do with it. No matter what happens, you have the power to make of it what you will. -- Ralph Marston