Sunday, day 2 of the Vegas trip, was day 1 of the American Craft Retail Expo (ACRE). The trade show was opened by an aged Marilyn Monroe (“This is Vegas…”). The aisles were never teeming with masses as we had imagined which was probably better in retrospect. We got to focus on one and two customers at a time, selling our products as handcrafted in the hills of Tennessee. Jenn’s sweet Southern accent delighted her customers to no end. Our first and only order of the day was large and encouraging, and then we were off to the ACRE poolside after-party at the Hilton. That night consisted of spoon games at dinner, cockroaches by moonlight, and driving a friend’s cargo van down the Vegas strip. Much better view than from a cab! Monday morning brought “Care to sample our soap, ma’am?”
**Check Fritz Renner’s cargo out at YardBirds.