Friday, March 13, 2009

natural bathroom cleaner recipe

check back each month for a free recipe to save you money & your health

Bathroom cleaners can be highly toxic and poisonous, particularly since they are often used in small windowless spaces. They can be corrosive to skin and eyes, and damaging to the respiratory tract. Bad news!

Good News! Try this alternative to clean your toilet:

Sprinkle a handful of baking soda inside the toilet bowl then pour in a cup of white vinegar. Watch it do its volcano thing and let it soak for about 10 minutes. While your waiting go ahead clean the rest of the bathroom with the same ingredients. Finish by scrubbing the toilet thoroughly and shouting the cheer "GO GREEN!"

Want more?

We thought so, and that is why you need to join us for our Green Clean Home Class. We'll teach you the top six household cleaners to avoid and give you a handout with alternative recipes to detox your home (plus a lot more stuff). See you soon!